Description placeholder
Description placeholder
Fetch Address account balances.
chainId for the network
name of the dex e.g sushiswap
Fetch ecosystem chart data for a specific DEX.
Fetch last synced block height data and latest block height for a specific DEX.
Fetch network Tokens for given DEX
Fetch xy=k DEX data
chainId for the network
uniswap, sushiswap
Fetch XY Pools by their address
chainId for the network
uniswap, sushiswap
Fetch single network exchange token for a specific DEX.
Fetch all supported DEXEs
Fetch transactions for account address for a specific DEX.
Fetch transactions for exchange for a specific DEX.
Fetch transactions for token address for a specific DEX
Generated using TypeDoc
DEX class for fetching xy=k dex data
1/13/2023 - 6:02:32 PM