
Bitgesell WBGLBridge SDK

This is a wrapper around the WBGL bridge for use on the Nodejs backend and Browsers written in TypeScript.

NB: To access the Bridge, we recommend visiting the official bridge at bglswap.com

Table of Contents


To get started with the Bitgesell WGL Bridge SDK, you can install it using npm:

npm install wbgl-bridge-sdk

or using yarn:

yarn add wbgl-bridge-sdk


Import the SDK into your TypeScript project to start using the Bitgesell WGL Bridge functionalities:


import { ethers } from 'ethers'

import {
} from 'wbgl-bridge-sdk'

const bscProvider = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/bsc'
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(bscProvider)
const evmPrivateKey = process.env.EVM_PRIVATE_KEY
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(evmPrivateKey, provider)
const bnbAddress = await signer.getAddress()

const config: IBridgeConfig = {
evmPrivateKey: evmPrivateKey, // Arbitrum, BNB chain, Ethereum privateKey etc
provider: provider,
chainName: ChainNames.Ethereum,
chainId: ChaindIds.Ethereum,
bridgeEndpoint: 'https://bglswap.com/app/',
bglPrivateKeyOrSeed: process.env.BGL_PRIVATEKEY_OR_SEED

const WBGLBridgeSDKInstance = new WBGLBridgeSDK(config)

Using commonjs require:

const {
} = require('wbgl-bridge-sdk')

const { ethers } = require('ethers')
// for env secrets:
const dotenv = require('dotenv')
const bscProvider = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/bsc'
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(bscProvider)

const evmPrivateKey = process.env.EVM_PRIVATE_KEY
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(evmPrivateKey, provider)
const bnbAddress = await signer.getAddress()

const config = {
evmPrivateKey: evmPrivateKey, // Arbitrum, BNB chain, Ethereum privateKey etc
provider: provider,
chainName: ChainNames.Ethereum,
chainId: ChaindIds.Ethereum,
bridgeEndpoint: 'https://bglswap.com/app/',
bglPrivateKeyOrSeed: process.env.BGL_PRIVATEKEY_OR_SEED
const wbglBridgesdkInstance = new WBGLBridgeSDK(config)

Swap methods

1. Swap WBGL Tokens for BGL

// address to receieve bgl from

const bglAddress = 'bgl1qh3tsz3a7l3m49xaq4xcdx8aefthchuqagmspcn'

const wbglPair: WBGLBGLExchangePair = {
bglAddress: bglAddress,
wbglAmount: 5
const swapResult = await WBGLBridgeSDKInstance.swapWBGLforBGL(wbglPair)

2. Swap BGL for WBGL Tokens to BSC/Ethereum account

const blgAmountToSwap = 1 // 1BGL
const bglTxFee = 0.0001 // A minimum txFee of proposed 10,000 satoshis(0.0001BGL)

const recepientBNBAddress = '0x309C7057d20EC9EB67b21005972fF19965483Fbf'

const bGLWBGLExchangePair: BGLWBGLExchangePair = {
recepientWBGLAddress: recepientBNBAddress,
bglAmount: blgAmountToSwap,
bglFee: bglTxFee

const swapResult = await BGLInstance.swapBGLforWBGL(bGLWBGLExchangePair)

On a sucessful swap:

bglBridgeAddress: 'bgl1qsxt0ktqgxptn6qv6s4jhxe6rappvv6r342vmx3',
currentWBGLBridgeBalance: '112020.082928590506503209',
msg: 'You have successfully sent 1 to bgl1qsxt0ktqgxptn6qv6s4jhxe6rappvv6r342vmx3 to receive WBGL, 1 fee is charged. The currently available WBGL balance is 112020.082928590506503209. If you send more BGL than is available to complete the exchange, your BGL will be returned to your address.\n' +
'Please note, that a fee of 1% will be automatically deducted from the transfer amount. This exchange pair is active for 7 days.',
bglTxHash: '819eefaf783289c8220b5052ac2e4141b25948a18ee44d713d08db9dab634e0f',
rpcResult: {
result: '819eefaf783289c8220b5052ac2e4141b25948a18ee44d713d08db9dab634e0f',
error: null,
id: 'curltext'


This library is in active development(currently in Beta!) with implemented functions as follows:


The following methods have been implemented and tested with coverage on Ethereum and BNBSmartChain:

  • getBalanceBGL()

  • getBalanceEthereum)

  • getBalanceBNBChain()

  • getBalanceArbitrumChain()

  • getBalanceOptimismChain()

  • swapBGLforBGL(bGLWBGLExchangePair: BGLWBGLExchangePair)

  • swapWBGLToBGL(wBGLBGLExchangePair: BGLWBGLExchangePair)

  • [] getContracts()

  • [] getBridgeHealth()

  • [] getBridgeStatus()


For more in-depth information on the SDK's methods, classes, and usage, refer to the official documentation.

Note: For a complete example see /examples/ Note: Provider appropriate EVM Node RPC and PrivatKey for respective networks eg: Ethereum RPC node and Ethereum private key

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Contributions are welcome with tests to keep the coverage high We welcome contributions! Feel free to submit a feature request/file an issue etc.


This SDK is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the terms of the license.

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